Super Twins or duper twins?
Live action anime-inspired telefantasya on local TV? Wow for Super Twins.
Let me see…
Twin girls? Check!
And they do come in very twin-ny names: Zsahzsah and Tintin.
Kids turning to pretty young heroines with the help of
a magic object? Check!
I haven’t heard of any kid saying they want be Jenilyn Merado or Nadine Samonte when they grow up… yet.
The weird “chanting” before transformation. Check!
Wala… nothing beats, “Sa ngalan ng buwan!” pa rin. At least walang naghuhubad.
A mysterious young and good-looking male mentor? Check!
When did Dennis Trillio start hardening those pecs?!
Sailor costumes? Check!
Uy, may matching glittering thingies pa! And yes, up skirt galore for the males.
Baddies that were obviously trained by the Shaider School of Villainy? Check!
Let’s sing it!!! Fushigi-shigi makka fushigi ruuwa…
Quite interesting, I say. I want to see how they’re going to fuse Pinoy flavor with the anime-ish theme. I guess I have to hand it to GMA 7 for their gumption. The question is will the network that is known for their innovative programs be able to pull this one off? So far it’s still too early to tell with just one week of airing. Let’s just wait and see.
Super Twins airs on primetime after Asian Treasures on GMA 7.
March 22, 2007
April 8, 2007
And don’t forget there’s LUPIN?– COMING SOON!!
April 9, 2007
@ rei arashi
haha, daikirai ba talaga?
@ joel
actually i’m going to try and watch it. also ronin. i’d like to see if there have been vast improvements in pinoy tv despite the spinoffs.