Basic anime rendering in Photoshop
I did this Basic Anime Rendering in Photoshop tutorial a while back. I first posted it on my DeviantArt gallery. It has received quite a number of sugoi feedback from fellow artists. Since this blog is all about sugoi stuff, I decided to repost it here.
Basic Anime Rendering in Photoshop
The tutorial’s a large JPG file (638KB) so it may take a bit of time to load. If you want to see more of my work, just visit my DeviantArt gallery.
February 22, 2007
one word, pare: SUGOI! or is it MOE? hehe
February 23, 2007
Sugee! XP
March 21, 2007
honto ni sugee!!!
is it difficult to do this in photoshop?
March 22, 2007
No it’s not. Since this is after all done with Photoshop in mind. As long as you’re familiar with the tools. ^__^