Just to brighten up your day
It’s not really a habit of mine (and the rest of Team Sugoi) to post videos in succession, but I just wanted to post this. I woke up this morning feeling a little gloomy. Now this song always, always picks my mood up. It’s such a genki, genki song! I’m talking about Sweet Soul Revue by the sugoi Pizzicato Five.
A big THANK YOU to all of you and most especially to Renji (RSS|CSS) and to Vlad (The Lonely Vampire Chronicles) for taking the Reflective Thinking – Taking the 8th Habit Challenge: The Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs in 2007. We didn’t get to the Top 10 but the mention is more than enough, so THANK YOU!!! As you may have noticed, posts have been slow in coming. We have both individual and collective reasons for this but...
Upcoming Post-Events features
3 simultaneous events had past for the last 3 weekends. TAGCOM, Mangaholix and Lights Out. Expect pos-event features and reports soon. As much as I hate to say it, non-sugoi deadlines got in the way. Report and pictures to come! ^__^
Ongaku Rewind
Datenshi has already posted his take on OngakuSociety’s Ongaku Rewind. I also have a few stuff (which border on the personal, bet you’d like that huh?) to say about the event. But being Flori, this means you guys will just have to wait it out a bit more if you want to have a glimpse of said article. In the meantime, puhlease, enjoy Datenshi’s article. Again, thanks to Ongaku Society for inviting us! We sure had a...
Osoku natte sumimasen
If you’ve been visiting this site for the past few months, you might have noticed something out of place. Here’s a hint: There’s an extra blog on the blogroll, but it’s neither Lenna’s nor Ami’s. That’s my Livejournal account. =P Hi everyone! I’m Datenshi aka Bryan Bibat, and I’m one of the editors of Sugoi Stuff. Unfortunately, I had business to attend to so I wasn’t able to...
Sugoi Stuff @ Ongaku Rewind
Three members of Team Sugoi will be at OngakuSociety’s Ongaku Rewind tomorrow (April 28) that’s from 5 P.M. to about 12 MN at the Freedom Bar. We’ll be giving away stuff for the raffle, cough *Slamdunk artbook* cough and we’re also going to have a short segment on stage as we are one of the sponsors. Nothing spectacular, but you do get to see the faces behind the “happy man” on our peekchurs. Hope...