Juujiro J-Culture Organziation, Inc. at the 2007 Nihongo Fiesta

Juujiro J-Culture Organziation, Inc. at the 2007 Nihongo Fiesta

Aside from the free mochi, the 34th Nihongo Speech Contest and the doll exhibits, the other cool thing about the 2007 Nihongo Fiesta was the fact that I had the chance to work my social skills to the max. One of the groups of which I had the honor to make an acquaintance was Juujiro J-Culture Organziation, Inc. which is a “non-profit, all-Filipino Youth Organization established last October 22, 2004, that undertakes special...

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Internet Cafe Congress: March 10 & 11

Internet Cafe Congress: March 10 & 11

Are you interested in starting your own internet cafe business? Good news! There will be an Internet Cafe Congress this March 10-11, 2007 at SM Megamall, Mandaluyong. Details on the poster below: Source: First Events Asia

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Filipino cosplayers sure have gone a long way from the, “Uy, may trench coat Tatay ko. Hiramin mo para mag-Aoshi ka,” days. Proof of which is the fact that Pinoys who are into cosplaying, may it be sewing, wearing, or oggling, now have their own not-so-little-anymore nook in the world wide web – Cosplay.ph! Don’t forget to visit this wonderful site, and you’ll be amazed at the creativity and ingenuity of...

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Someone says no to otaku!

Speaking of cosplay, apparently, not everyone in international anime/cosplay communities are fond of otakus. I came across this site, F*ckin’ Otaku which, according to the F*ckin Otaku team itself, aims to: … (as necessary) define, address, attack, and caution against the dangers of the world of fandom. After all, it’s easy enough to make fun of the obvious social deficiencies in otaku (and we do!) but if we can do...

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The things that background radiation can do to you

The things that background radiation can do to you

I mean no offense to our Japanese friends but you really have to wonder a few things about them. Now, unlike Flori, my only contacts with the Japanese culture are sushi, Abe Hiroshi J-dorama, hentai and Maria Ozawa (no contact there, unfortunately). You really got to admire our bow-legged neighbors from beyond Babuyan Islands. Why? Because despite the US nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they were still able to pull through and go head...

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Anti-boredom sites

My “day job” plus this blogging sideline entail me to work in front of the computer screen up to twenty hours a day. Maybe three or four of said hours I spend trying to work out the kinks I’ve developed in my brain translating and writing. How exactly? Read on for three of my favorite links! Hungry for the latest Hollywood tsismis? Why not visit Hollywood Tuna? It has the same effect on the brain as your favorite...

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