The Japanese read more blogs
According to Japanese PR firm, Edelman, the Japanese are the top readers of blogs edging out the Americans, Koreans, Britons, and French. In an average week, almost three quarters (74%) of the Japanese Internet users who participated in the survey said they read blogs at least once a week. This is significantly more compared to the other countries studied, with just under a half (43%) in South Korea, just under a quarter in the UK...
Not for the claustrophobic
How come the really exciting things in Japan happen when I’m not there? Good news for the really kinky (or the really adventurous)! I sort of stumbled upon this site for a Capsule Inn in Akihabara, the Electronic Town of Tokyo. Picture taken from: The inn is comprised of public areas (a lounge and baths) and private ones (rooms for the males and those of the females are on different floors). The lounge has vending...
Better than Cliff’s Notes
I hope I’m posting this just in time for those year-end term papers and book reports. But if you’re expecting that I’m giving away links to sites that promote plagiarism, think again. I was able to muddle through more than a decade of schooling without resorting to tricks so I think you can too. Anyway, I got these links from Prof. Butch Dalisay’s The Philippine Star article. I checked them out myself and I now...
Eleksyon 2007 site
Having a difficult time deciding who to vote this coming May elections? Hope this site will help you decide. Eleksyon 2007 Even with it (and the podcasts), I still can’t.
And the greenest of all…
My fellow org alumnus (of course I’m an alumna. English is a very difficult langauge, I tell you!) has decided to share his collection of Pinoy green jokes to the public. Will he be the next Gary Lising? We’ll see. Visit Oi! Green Pinoy! By the way, I’m seeing a “trend” here in Sugoistuff. I hope the “trend” wanes after the members of Team Sugoi gets their well-deserved break this weekend. And...
The Great Firewall of China
China has been notorious for blocking certain websites to be viewed within their territory. (Being people very sensitive regarding censorship.) If you have a website, there is now a nifty way of knowing if your site is blocked or not in their country. Just so if you’re travelling there, you might wanna know if you will see your own site or not. The Great Firewall of China. The name is very appropriate if I do say so myself. And...