Open call for Philippine Speculative Fiction Vol. 3

All budding writers out there, this may be one interesting bit of news for you: Open call for Philippine Speculative Fiction Vol. 3 Dean Alfar is now accepting submissions of short fiction pieces for consideration for the anthology Philippine Speculative Fiction Vol.3. Speculative fiction is the literature of wonder that spans the genres of fantasy, science fiction, horror and magic realism or falls into the cracks in-between. 1. Only...

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Pinoy moms got a new hangout

Pinoy moms got a new hangout

Tita Dine a.k.a SexyMom and the other Moms of the Pinoy Moms Network have put up a sugoi e-zine. Banner taken from PMN Find out more of it on the D Spot’s “Pinoy Moms Network–Now an e-zine with a sexy new look”. And who says Pinoy Moms can’t be cool too?

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A big THANK YOU to all of you and most especially to Renji (RSS|CSS) and to Vlad (The Lonely Vampire Chronicles) for taking the Reflective Thinking – Taking the 8th Habit Challenge: The Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs in 2007. We didn’t get to the Top 10 but the mention is more than enough, so THANK YOU!!! As you may have noticed, posts have been slow in coming. We have both individual and collective reasons for this but...

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Recap: April Events

Recap: April Events

April 13-14, Friday and Saturday iblog3 2 -6 PM UP School of Economics Auditorium U.P. Diliman, Quezon City April 14, Saturday J Crunch : Ripiito! 4 PM Ampitheater, Makati City Park and Garden Guadalupe, Makati City April 21 Filcosplay and 3rd Anniversary Party 2-9 P.M. Windgate Villas Clubhouse Members only! PhP 50 donation and food for potluck April 28, Saturday Ongaku Rewind 5 PM Freedom Bar, Anonas PhP 120 with free...

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Filcosplay turns 3!

Filcosplay turns 3!

O tanjoubi omedetou, Filcosplay! Filcosplay, together with, presents a Meido Cafe themed poolside party on April 21 at the Windgate Villas Clubhouse in celebration of Filcosplay’s 3rd anniversary. There will be lots of activities from 2 to 9 PM for everyone to enjoy, such as a Casual Cosplay competition, raffle games, acoustic band performances, and film showing. Since the party’s theme is Meido Cafe, you bet...

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Sailors on the Moon

Sailor Moon rip-offs? Pffft. That is nothing compared to this: The song is catchy too. XD Does anybody know if this made into TV for real? YouTube find courtesy of Juworu

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