Take Three

Take Three

I wonder how many “takes” will it make to get this thing finally rolling consistently? If you must know, life again happened to me and it’s only been now that I have a bit of time to pick things up from where I left off. When was my last post again? February 2017. Yep, that’s more than a friggin’ year ago. How busy have I been? Try moving to another country and having another kid. This time I’m...

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Sugoi Eats: Tokyo Banana

Sugoi Eats: Tokyo Banana

We start off with our regular disclaimer. Sugoistuff is not affiliated with any of the company or products mentioned here. All products featured in this post were personal purchases and we received no payment monetary or otherwise for posting about it. We recently had our Christmas vacation in the motherland and we had to fly there with a layover at Haneda International Airport. We saw these fun sweets on our first flight but decided...

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Japanese Grocery

Japanese Grocery

Jeez. This would have been posted a long time ago if not for the back to back to back life events that happened in the family. But look- here we are, a new year with a new post. Again, a disclaimer – Sugoistuff is not affiliated with any of the places or brands featured in this post. We did not receive any fee, perks, or payment in any form. We bought all the groceries ourselves with our own money. That said, one thing we love...

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Sugoi Eats: Onigiri

Sugoi Eats: Onigiri

Seems like I’m mostly posting about food here. But what’s not good about food anyway? Especially Japanese food! This is an easy recipe I invented as I have been running out of easy lunch ideas for me and the little one. I always make it a point to make meals that both of us can eat. This means it should be quick, easy, must have little to no salt, and nutritious but with lots of flavor. This is not your traditional...

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Happy Holloween

Happy Holloween

Happy Holloween! Okay, to clarify things. Hyde, who cosplayed as Suicide Squad’s Harley Quinn, isn’t the scary thing here. What’s so scary is the fact he darn pulled it off! He looks waaaaay prettier than some of the female Harley Quinn wannabes. Since it’s the day of frights, I have a scary story to tell. This happened to me, personally, about twelve years ago during the first UP AME Fair (unakAME). I was a...

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Sugoi Eats: #Insta Ramen

Sugoi Eats: #Insta Ramen

I have to put a disclaimer first. All products featured here are not sponsors. I didn’t receive any payment, monetary or otherwise, in exchange of featuring said products on our blog. This is not even a review. It just so happens that these are the ingredients that I have in my pantry. With that out of the way, let’s get on with this post. Ramen. Ahhhh… It’s one of my most favorite food in the world, especially...

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