Detective Conan does PR work for Japan gov’t

Detective Conan does PR work for Japan gov’t

The new campaign of Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is brilliant! The manga style pamphlet that features the infamous character, Detective Conan, is part of the ministry’s information dissemination project for elementary and junior high school students. This exclusive short manga entitled, “”Detective Conan Investigates the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!” aims to explain what the Ministry of Foreign...

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The Japanese read more blogs

According to Japanese PR firm, Edelman, the Japanese are the top readers of blogs edging out the Americans, Koreans, Britons, and French. In an average week, almost three quarters (74%) of the Japanese Internet users who participated in the survey said they read blogs at least once a week. This is significantly more compared to the other countries studied, with just under a half (43%) in South Korea, just under a quarter in the UK...

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KOMEREKKU (commission on erection)

I am so pissed off! Really! Who would actually put very personal information (including addresses, birth dates and voter ID numbers) online?! Just one guess, folks. Just one guess! I don’t know if the COMELEC NCR people in-charge of this scheme mean to please stalkers or those ruthless self-serving politicians. No wonder may dayaan! This plain screams, “IDENTITY THEFT!” Hmp! There should have be an account log-in of...

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This girl kicks (army) ass!

For the third time in Philippine army history, another female of the species graduated top of this year’s graduating class of the Philippine Military Academy (PMA). Congratulations to soon-to-be Navy Ensign Andrelee Samson Mojica, who “kicked the asses” of her 281 mistahs in the “Maragtas” Class 2007! Please read more on this news in Artemio Dumlao’s article, “For the 3rd time, woman tops PMA...

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Election 2007 update: eh?!

Election 2007 update: eh?!

This really surprised me, yet on some level it didn’t… Cesar Montano won’t drop senatorial bid (article is the 3rd update on this breaking news from The Philippine Daily Inquirer) Photo is a parody of a scene from the movie The Great Raid. Still is taken from When did this happen? How come I didn’t know about this until now? Would this affect my decision on who to vote? I can only answer the last...

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Ahoy! Sony Philippines slashes at PS software piracy

Walk the plank, you software curs! I don’t know if Sony Philippines’ plan to file a complaint with the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) against software piracy is good or bad news for Playstation addicts out there. I’m not really much of a gamer (although I admit I’m addicted to online games), so I cannot give an opinion about this. Why don’t you enlighten me? More of the news here: Sony complains vs...

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