Happy Holloween
Happy Holloween! Okay, to clarify things. Hyde, who cosplayed as Suicide Squad’s Harley Quinn, isn’t the scary thing here. What’s so scary is the fact he darn pulled it off! He looks waaaaay prettier than some of the female Harley Quinn wannabes. Since it’s the day of frights, I have a scary story to tell. This happened to me, personally, about twelve years ago during the first UP AME Fair (unakAME). I was a...
Sugoi Eats: #Insta Ramen
I have to put a disclaimer first. All products featured here are not sponsors. I didn’t receive any payment, monetary or otherwise, in exchange of featuring said products on our blog. This is not even a review. It just so happens that these are the ingredients that I have in my pantry. With that out of the way, let’s get on with this post. Ramen. Ahhhh… It’s one of my most favorite food in the world, especially...
On My Watch: 2016 Fall Anime
Better late than never. It’s been probably a year since I’ve last watched any anime. I think it was the summer batch of 2015 shows and I only had the chance to follow a few episodes of Akagami no Shirayuki-hime. I was pregnant then and had the habit of falling asleep in the middle of watching anything. A few months later, motherhood took over and I found that K Dramas were more to my fluctuating hormones’ liking. All...
Take Two
We’re back, beechus! That’s me, Flori, returning hopefully with some bad ass-ery. It’s been what? Seven years since the last article was posted and nine years since Team Sugoi launched this blog. Back then, the members of TS were fresh out of college and were just forging their niche in their respective chosen career path. We thought that we could share our collective geekery and nerdiness to the world wide web and...
Catch the Genius webcam promo!
Gusto ko yung cam nila. Pumapayat ako. 😛 Genius and select outlets are rolling out a promo for webcams where you get FREE items for your webcam purchases. Get a FREE Genius Optical Mouse when you purchase any of these webcam models: Eye 312, iSlim 310, iSlim 300. Get FREE Genius Headphones for every purchase of any of these models: iLook1321, Slim 1320, iSlim 1300AF, or Slim 1322AF. And get FREE Multimedia speakers when you buy Slim...