Tetsu To Marry Actress
tetsu, bassist of J rock band L’arc~en~ciel is said to marry to actress Sakai Ayane, according to Japanese news source Sponichi Annex If my memory serves me right, Sakai played Ayano (hmm… Ayana as Ayano :P) the first fiancee of Doumyouji in Hana Yori Dango 1. You know, the girl who won first place in the climactic Miss Teen of Japan pageant? Anyway, the couple had been dating since last year and are expected to make a...
PV masilungan – sandwich
Sandwich’s awesome video, Masilungan. Mong to the max :p
Nakai hosts Kohaku
Photo from Drama Wiki Nakai Masahiro of SMAP fame will be hosting the 2008 NHK Kohaku with rakugo artist Shofukutei Tsurube. Masahiro will belong to the Red Team while Shofukutei to the White Team. Japanese news from Sports Hochi
Hello Kitty osenbei
Sanrio must really be rich by now with their expanded merchandise. Aside from licensing a special Hello Kitty rifle, they now have special message osenbei (Japanese rice crackers. There are some sold here of which the most common brand is called Wan Wan)! Look at the stuff I bought when my and my spiritual hubby, Nagase Tomoya’s phantom kid was born. The 5-piece pack costs 1,088 yen (tax included). Photos from the Sanrio...
Eiga Sai Fringe
The Japan Foundation, Manila, in cooperation with the Manila Chamber Orchestra (MCO) Foundation, Banco de Oro and UP Film Institute, offers a taste of the bi-annual Japanese Film Festival entitled Eiga Sai, at the Antonio Molina Hall, BDO South Tower, Makati and Cine Adarna, UP Film Institute, UP-Diliman. Dubbed Eiga Sai Fringe, the film festival mainly features specific theme such as conflict and environment in 16mm and DVD format. S...