Batang ’80s: Batibot
Remember this, anyone? I learned English from Sesame Street and then learned Filipino from Batibot. Nakaka-miss ang 80’s!
Love zap ’em
This game from Ampgames is called Love Zapper 2 (actually, the kanji in the opening reads Gakuen Romansu). It’s girly and fun! Zap your way to the guys’ hearts and gain love points for more zapping power! Just beware of those other girls. They’ll try to steal your boylets away. Just keep on clickin’ that mouse to wipe those nasty rivals away. And they do literally fly out of the picture! And the more...
Avenue Q and pron
“Grab your d*ck and double click for pron, pron, pron!” — Trekkie Monster, Avenue Q Haha! Fooled yah! It’s been almost a month since I’ve watched the final performance of Avenue Q Repeat at the RCBC Carlos P. Romulo Auditorium, but my head is still full of the experience! You see, ever since I’ve accidentally stumbled on this musical three years ago (I was surfing the Internet for new Broadway...
Spiderman climbs Shinjuku building
Yeah, so I’m a YouTube junkie. What do you expect? I was searching for Spider-Man clips (Batman pa rin the best!) when I found this: If my rusty Nihongo is right, French climber Alain Robert scaled the Shinjuku Center Building (this was in 1998), which was about 230 meters (54 stories) in height. He actually asked an official for permission but when denied, he ran and climbed the wall (barehanded) nevertheless. It took him about...
Ayu goes half-deaf
Here’s the news clip: I have never been a fan of Hamasaki Ayumi but it’s sad that she’s now completely deaf in her left ear. Despite this, the internationally-famous pop star would still be touring Asia this year, not to mention releasing her 9th album, ?GUILTY?. Source: PDI