Batang 80’s: Phil Collins

Yeah, yeah sure… I’m recently feeling a little vulnerable so I’ve been listening to “oldies” songs. I stumbled upon this particular 80’s classic by Phil Collins.

I remember once when I was in second grade and I was left alone one afternoon since my Mom went to the grocery for food. I had just finished my homework so I had about an hour of TV time. No cable yet at that time and it was a little too early in the afternoon for cartoons so I was left to amuse myself with music videos.

I came upon this one, and though I understood the lyrics superficially, I remember that I felt so sad while watching the vid and listening to the song that I actually cried! My Mom was perplexed when she came back seeing me sniffling like an old grandma over Gone with the Wind.

Author: Flori

… is virtually a free spirit who loves independent movies, literature, graphic novels, pop culture, music (especially indie rock and jazz), food, cooking, vintage fashion, and Alpha Males. Read more Flori melodrama on Short Term Effect .

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