Oooh… Ozine!

Yes, Sugoi Stuff and the F.o.T.S. (Friends of Team Sugoi) were at the Ozine Fest 2007!

Kyameel was taking peekchurs… Akutenshi_13 and Ninjuliuswere playing cosplay-critics… Saang anime yan? Uy… mabangis! Chelli-chan (who brought her friend along) was being her bubbly self, chatting up everyone she knows… Flori was, well, she was “whoring” or pimping? Whatever! Though later in the day she brought her colleague along (was she meaning to pimp him too?)… Doc Jenny was there to relax (uy, kaunti na lang, M.D. na siya!)… The Pig Pimps were also there, though not to sell wares but to merely enjoy the event (and oggle shotakons?)… Won-won was there to slap bass… UP AME was there to pimp goldfish to the masses… Ongaku Society and were there because Ozine won’t be the ultimate anime event without those two there… Hero TV was also there to promote their new rakista show, Beck Alex and Datenshi were there in “spirit” since they were quite busy pushing pens/keyboards, so to speak.

Anyway, I have a more substantial post coming up any day now. So please stay tuned for the sugoi stuff at Ozine Fest 2007!

Author: Flori

… is virtually a free spirit who loves independent movies, literature, graphic novels, pop culture, music (especially indie rock and jazz), food, cooking, vintage fashion, and Alpha Males. Read more Flori melodrama on Short Term Effect .

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