The Big Bang Theory: The future for Penny and Leonard

Warning: Spoiler alert!

The Big Bang Theory - Penny and Leonard

If you’ve been wondering what’s in store for us when The Big Bang Theory returns for their fourth season, then here’s one big spoiler for us all – Penny (played by Kelly Cuoco) and Leonard (Johnny Galecki) will hook up!

If you’ve been wondering what the heck was that cheesy Penny-Leonard bit during the Season 3 ender, then that’s just that – a build-up for what will happen after the four get back from the Arctic.

TV Guide Magazine has indeed confirmed it. “[w]e’re going to pursue a relationship between these two characters. After the dance they’ve been doing for two years, it’s the right thing to do,” producer Chuck Lorre told TV Guide.

Quite frankly, I now hate myself for looking at that piece of news.

Author: Alex

After working as a corporate monkey for two years, he broke free, settling for a sedentary life as a problogger and web content consultant. He spends most of his waking hours in a zoo in hopes of getting back to his roots somewhere in the jungle. For more about Alex, visit The Construct by Alex Maximo

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