Green Hornet: The Black Beauty unveiled

Green Hornet Panel Comic-Con

So the Green Hornet movie finally sees daylight after more than a decade of talks, shelvings, and revivals.

So far, we know that Seth Rogen will play the title character. Joining Rogen on the script is Evan Goldberg and the film will be directed by Michael Gondry. They’re also appear to be talking to Nicholas Cage and Cameron Diaz for supporting roles. No word yet on who’s playing Kato.

If you’re thinking what the heck Seth is doing as title character, don’t you worry since he’ll be put into a strict regimen to make him fit for the role.

Anyway, since it’s Comic-Con, the Green Hornet panel brought something very nice to San DiegoThe Black Beauty car.

Black Beauty Green Hornet Car Comic Con

Via: Film School Rejects

Author: Alex

After working as a corporate monkey for two years, he broke free, settling for a sedentary life as a problogger and web content consultant. He spends most of his waking hours in a zoo in hopes of getting back to his roots somewhere in the jungle. For more about Alex, visit The Construct by Alex Maximo

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