3D Realms goes bust doing Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem (among other classic PC games) will go down in my personal history as one of the first gaming addictions I had. That was fifteen freaking years ago with my old 386 computer. Then Duke Nukem 3D came out and became a must-play for hormonally-raging adolescent due to pixelated flaming titties – a real upside compared to the old Doom titles.
Kudos to 3D Realms for that (and for developing the shareware concept and FPS granddaddy Wolfenstein 3D). News has been around that the company is developing a Duke Nukem follow-up dubbed Duke Nukem forever. But all dreams of that coming out dies as 3D Realms calls it quits.
Lack of funds has been cited as the reason behind the pulled-plug. But talk about slug-paced software development for this one. Duke Nukem Forever had been in development for 12 years and has earned the ridicule of the whole industry. Publisher Take-Two Interactive will remain to have publishing rights but there seems to be no hint of the game ever making it out.
It would’ve been nice if Duke Nukem Forever had been 3D Realms’ last hurrah. Too bad they made a total hash of things.
Source: BBC