UDON launches Street Fighter tribute art contest
Quoted from UDON Entertainment‘s DeviantArt journal:

Street Fighter is one of the most influential video game franchises of all time. It launched the head-to-head fighting game genre and brought together millions of players around the globe to do battle, first at arcades and then, later on, across a variety of home consoles. 2008 is the 20th anniversary of the franchise…
…You could be part of Capcom history as part of the Street Fighter Tribute art book and have your artwork showcased alongside top names in the industry!
To put it simply, the guys at UDON are inviting video game, comic, and freelance artists to re-render their favorite Street Fighters for inclusion in the high-quality art book they are producing. Along with these invitations is an open-submission call to video-game fan communities; the artworks they submit may be subject to possible inclusion in the tribute volume.
Initial submissions must be in low-res JPEG format (not less than 900kb), e-mailed at sftribute@udoncomics.com, full contact details included: the sender’s full name (no nicknames and internet names) and proper mailing address.
Collaborations are allowed, as long as the artists are aware of the submission (art theft is a serious issue). And if the sender’s artwork is chosen and he wants to be credited by his nickname, he should inform UDON accordingly.
The artwork submission must be an original illustration fully done by the artist. Final hand-in format size must be 8.5″ x 11″ (or larger equivalent height-width ratio), 400+ dpi TIF file (CMYK or RGB). Deadline of submissions is on March 31.
The characters depicted should strictly be from Street Fighter, Street Fighter Alpha/Zero, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter III, and their sequels: NO CROSS-OVERS ALLOWED. Failure to comply with the rules basically means disqualification.
For more detailed information, check out UDON’s DeviantArt account.