This coin bank bites!
Totally creepy!
But it sure makes saving money a tad more interesting than using the ordinary piggy. These Facebanks have object-sensitive censors located in the eyes so that the facial features move when you try to feed ’em coins.
Aside from the traffic light colors you see above, the Facebank is also available in pink, blue, grey, plus new designs of brick and mortor. Each costs from 2,380 JPY (909 PHP) to 2,580 JPY (985 PHP) at StrapYa
Hmm… there is neither any report yet from customers who have had their fingers bitten off from their hands nor any positive feedback that people could actually save money without getting nightmares at night.
Personally, I might buy one just for the sake of seeing it open its mouth. Or, I can just give it to someone to whom I want to give a heart attack. *Evil*