Tetsu To Marry Actress
tetsu, bassist of J rock band L’arc~en~ciel is said to marry to actress Sakai Ayane, according to Japanese news source Sponichi Annex If my memory serves me right, Sakai played Ayano (hmm… Ayana as Ayano :P) the first fiancee of Doumyouji in Hana Yori Dango 1. You know, the girl who won first place in the climactic Miss Teen of Japan pageant?

Anyway, the couple had been dating since last year and are expected to make a formal announcement this week.
November 19, 2007
tetchan!!! huhuhu T___T ehehe demo oshiawase ni natte hoshi ne..yappari ^^ di mo kse ako nameet ehehe ^^;
November 29, 2007
hey!!! she is not an actress!!! fans here(esp. juri) are mad and sad about this news!they say se is darn lucky!! haha!!
its none of my business though!!hihi!!