Happy Hinamatsuri!
Late? I know. I should have posted this last Saturday but I was a little busy romping about Clam Shell II in Intramuros for the 2007 Nihongo Fiesta (which you will find out about in my later posts). Excuses? I know. Good thing there was a doll display in one of the booths. Lucky? I know!
Every year in Japan, the 3rd of March celebrates Hinamatsuri, a tradition also known as Girls’ Day or Doll Festival. On this day, families pray for the beauty, health, prosperity, and happiness of their young girls (Now why didn’t my parents ever think of celebrating this for my sake? The only thing I was able to peg down is the beauty part. Naks!).
The young ladies themselves, with the help of their older female relatives (usually their mothers and grandmothers), mark the festival by setting up a display of dolls specifically made for this celebration.
Alas! Unfortunately, I was not able to witness this celebration firsthand. My stint as a Japayuki was too short for my liking. I spent Hinamatsuri trying not to puke aboard an airplane bound for home. The only thing I got of any Hinamatsuri value is this paper doll display from one of my faithful patrons. Kinda cute, noh?
For more information on Hinamatsuri, please visit the following links:
Hinamatsuri on Ginkoya
Judy Shoaf’s A Page for Japanese Dolls
Hinamatsuri (Doll’s Festival) on About.com
NOTE 1: ?????????, Lenna-chan!
NOTE 2: The answer to my last post‘s question, “Name that tune:” Tetris theme!