The grand circus of the Pinoy Web

Let’s face it, we, Filipinos really know how to make our lives a bit more interesting. Forget Willy’s insipid Boom-Tarat-Tarat segments on Wowowee. Forget the interesting menagerie also known as politics. And let’s focus on one of the greatest (freak) shows on earth called the Pinoy web.

How many “scandals” have we come up so far given some yahoo with a PC and Internet connection? I have no real timeline for the following events since I based them mostly from recall. If anyone else would like to add some stuff, please put them in the comments, I’d like to make this list longer.

Send in the clowns!

Sex Scandals

First, it was VCDs and DVDs of Paris Hilton wannabees. And with video conversion technologies and larger e-mail inbox spaces, we were all able to disseminate these video clips to all our horny friends (and the classic “‘T@ng ina mo, Leo!” quote from the La Salle scandal became a cult classic).

Then there’s YouTube. And what else is more interesting than seeing Jollibee knock up Twirly in the oddest of mascot fetishist fashion. Sorry, no embeds lest my fellow Sugoi Staffer give me an old school butt-kicking, but here’s a link.

Jologs, Jologz, Jhologz, and Jhowlhogz

I remember from a Dong Abay radio interview on NU 107 that he remarked that there’s something more jologs than jologs and it’s the one with the “h.” Nice remark.

In any case, since we, Pinoys, are all for “equal opportunity, the web was also made more affordable and accessible to the rest of Philippine society including all the other subcultures that we foster. Enter the tribong jologs.

Thus we have a lot of people (we, the elitist middle class aardvarks of the Pinoy Web) lambasting the jologs culture for who they are. The most famous of this series would be Mike Villar‘s The Atrocities of Friendster. Oh yeah, there was a rather hate-filled rebuttal from one irked fellow too.

And I don’t blame Mike Villar for starting that thread. Want to see something really freaky about kids nowadays? Click here.

Oh yeah, and there’s the r0kkeRzZzZ m/ too.

Pinoy Ingenuity

I think the Love Bug virus would be a great achievement for the Pinoy’s penchant for messing things up for other people all over the world. Maybe that’s one for over 400 years of combined colonization and post-colonization! Hehehe.

What else, hmm… Forget two-bit Photoshop skills. We got the mad skills! Especially when we could make someone look like this, to this. Digital liposuction at its best!

Flame Wars and Other Skirmishes

Definitely, the Pinoy Web will not be Pinoy without squabbling neighbors, right?

There are a great many debates online, and great many petty arguments here and there. But given that Pinoys don’t take criticism too well, then it’s bound to be a cyber bloodbath.

One blogger who has a long list of adversaries online would be Mike Abundo. Yeah, so there’s one with his issue on his “alleged theft” of the Pinoy Cosplay name – an issue which made real buzz on Pinoy anime fans from newbies to old foggies.

Anyone care for ubusan ng lahi? Well, I know Mike’s always game for an open challenge (and I know he’ll get to read this, right Mike?).

Politics on the Web

And what else could we be without politics entering the fray? Sawsaw isaw politics at its best (we always love to dip isaw into the hottest sawsawan).

Yes, and we all want to see politicians pose their best. Take that you r0kkeRzZzZ m/.


What’s best about all of this is that, the show’s only starting. Oh heck, I can’t wait for what’ll happen in 2007!

Author: Alex

After working as a corporate monkey for two years, he broke free, settling for a sedentary life as a problogger and web content consultant. He spends most of his waking hours in a zoo in hopes of getting back to his roots somewhere in the jungle. For more about Alex, visit The Construct by Alex Maximo

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